Sunday 6 June 2010


You might have watched the previous post. A 12 year-old girl delivering a speech during a TED conference to a large audience of adults. On her website, many visitors expressed their doubt whether she had produced the speech herself; the doubters suggested the young speaker was nothing but a marketing product of her ambitious parents. Maybe. But maybe not. I’ve watched her several times: her facial expression, the tone of voice, posture, gesture, her timing and pace, and the way she managed to establish eye contact with her audience. It takes genuine intelligence to use nonverbal communication techniques. Moreover, You must have observed the young girl's ability to draw the listeners to her. This is what her parents must have worked upon: developing her ability to identify, use, understand and manage her emotions in a positive and constructive way. Adora’s other activities with children her age proved she could communicate clearly, inspire and influence the others and even work in a team, although she was thought at home by her parents.

In her case, personalized teaching created excellent conditions for her talents to develop. Watch Sir Ken Robinson’s plea for the learning revolution. If it ever happened, would the new system produce prodigy children? Or just better citizens?

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